6 Things You Need To Create A Professional Looking Website


So, you’re about to open your very first fitness studio. Congratulations! It’s an incredibly exciting time for any fitness professional. That said, it can also be a little overwhelming. From putting the final touches on the space to hiring staff, there’s so much happening in the studio that you may not even know where to begin when it comes to getting the word out about it. The good news is, you don’t need a 20-page content strategy document and thousands of social media followers before you launch.

However, what you DO need is a professional looking website. This is a customer’s first port of call for your studio. It’s often where new customers will find out about you in the first place and what they’ll use to learn more about you, book their classes and recommend you to your friends. So, if you’re going to invest in just one marketing item before you launch, it should be your website.

But what exactly makes a website great? Here, I’ve broken down the 6 things you need to create a professional looking website that stands out from the pack:

6 Things You Need For A Professional Looking Website

1. An easy-to-manage website platform

The first thing you need for a professional looking website is (drumroll please)...the website itself! Believe it or not, this step is actually a lot less complicated than most people think — it’s all about picking the right platform. In my opinion, Squarespace is hands-down the best platform for brick and mortar fitness and wellness businesses.  Not only is it incredibly user-friendly and intuitive (so you'll actually be able to keep the content updated and relevant), it’s packed with beautiful templates that are ready to go (although, you may want to invest in a designer to create a custom look for you— that's me!). Squarespace also integrates well with a range of features that are particularly handy for fitness studio owners. Which brings us to…

2. A scheduling system

Giving your customers the ability to book their classes on the website is an absolute non-negotiable. Ain’t nobody got time to follow a trail around the internet or worse yet, call the studio to book! It’s essential to go for a scheduling system that you can embed directly onto your Squarespace website. MINDBODY is the industry-leader for class-based businesses, while Acuity Scheduling is my pick for appointment-based businesses.

3. Visual branding

If you’ve already got a logo sorted for your fitness studio, you’re off to a flying start. However, your branding is so much more than just your logo — it’s the overall identity of your studio. A well-branded business helps to create a memorable customer journey and experience and puts your studio in position to easily expand to more locations and franchise. Your branding includes colors, fonts, image style, icons and other design elements. Need a good brand identity design team? I've personally worked with Erica and Caty at Flourish Collaborative and I highly recommend them.

4. Written content

When it comes to your branding, the look of a website is only part of the equation. I can't tell you how many web design projects have been delayed because business owners fail to realize the amount of work that goes into writing engaging, high quality copy. If you have the budget to hire a good copywriter (preferably one that knows how to write SEO-focused content!) it will be an investment that will help your business over and over again. Looking for an SEO copywriter who knows the fitness and wellness industry?  

5. Photography

There’s no point having a stunning website and beautifully crafted copy if you’re going to use blurry iPhone photos. These instantly detract from the professionalism of your website. Real photos (not stock ones) are a powerful way to convey – at a glance – the atmosphere of your studio. They work with your brand design elements, website layout and written content to convey your business vibe. Not only that, but using high quality photos of yourself and the other teachers at your studio can help build trust and a sense of connection with your potential customers. Click here to get my free guide to everything you need to know to prepare for a successful photoshoot for your fitness studio. 

6. A new client special

One of the best ways to entice new customers into your studio is with a new client special. Give some thought to what you’re going to offer when you launch. Is it a free week trial, a heavily discounted intro month or a 25% off founding-member special?  Do you also plan to have seasonal promotions? A well-designed website will include strategic places to highlight your planned specials. In fact, this is even more crucial than having a ‘sign up for my newsletter opt-in’ on your website. Find out why here.

Need help pulling together all the elements of a professional looking website? Take a look at my design services. I'd love to chat about how I can assist you.

Connie Holen

I'm a Digital Strategist + Squarespace Web Designer for yoga, fitness and wellness studios who need a strong brand presence both on-line and off. I specializes in creating clean, modern and easy-to-manage websites that smoothy integrate online scheduling softwares and are optimized for local search engine results.


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