5 Ways to Save Money on your Fitness or Wellness Studio Webiste


Where did your members and potential members spend most of their time last year? That’s right - they were online. All the time. And they still are. That’s why now is the time to put your best online foot forward. Your website needs to engage, communicate, and sell. Is yours doing all that? 

Your website needs to serve you and your studio. A website you can edit and update as needed is critical. Last year showed us all how quickly things can change. And how flexible we need to be in business. Your website needs to be flexible, too. 

Starting to think you need to make major changes to your website? Or even create an entirely new website? But, you know you don’t have the budget for a full website project. That’s okay. 

What’s not okay? Having a website that can’t evolve with you right now. 

It’s time to prioritize a new website even with a lower budget. 

You can get the big, beautiful website of your dreams later. When things are more stable. When you’re ready. And when you are, Pixality is here for you. Bringing the written content, design, coding, digital strategy, and SEO all together—created for you by a team experienced in your industry. Pixality website packages start at $3,750. Learn more. 

That being said, I never want to convince someone to spend more than they can afford. So, despite how confident I am about the value of services we offer here at Pixality, there are always other options. 

Know you need a new website, but lack the budget to outsource it? That’s okay. Focus your investment on what matters most. Design with your members and prospective members in mind. And follow these tips: 

1.Invest in a photo shoot

We all love great brand design. Colors that pop or soothe? Love it. And killer logos? Yep, those, too. But make no mistake, photos are the must-have visual element for a modern website. This is not the place to cut corners. 

Seek out a local photographer and Invest in a photo shoot. Download my photo guide for tips to help make the most of your photo shoot. You’ll end up with brand assets you can use across your marketing efforts - not just on your website. All this for what is usually a very reasonable investment! 

2. Choose a user-friendly website platform

You want to build your own website, but you don’t want it to take forever. Or make you lose your mind. Choose the right website platform and give yourself the best chance at a smooth and easy website building experience.

By now you know how I feel about Squarespace. And if you don’t, check out this article where I tell you all about why I highly recommend Squarespace. Need to feel more confident before diving in and creating your own site? Kerstin Martin’s Squarespace Express course is the answer. Learn from a great designer and teacher for a small investment of time and money. 

3. Define your brand voice 

What makes your studio special? What do you love about what you do? Can you describe the atmosphere you’ve created in your studio? The answers to these questions are part of what makes up your brand voice. 

When should you work on defining your brand voice? Before you write your content. Before you start working on your website. Take the time to think about your business and what makes YOU stand out from others in your area. Download my brand voice guide for tips to help you define your studio’s brand voice.

4. Keep it simple

A simple website can be very effective. Lean on the quality of your photos - remember the ones you had taken by a local photographer?  Need some help honing the rest of your brand visuals? Team Pixality’s brand designer, Olivia Lopez has a Brand Boost ebook that will guide you through expanding your logo into a full-fledged brand look. Get it here.

Focus your efforts on the most important pages of your website - the ones that lead to prospects taking action. Make sure there are clear paths to booking and buying. Don’t confuse visitors to your website. Make it obvious where to go and what to do when they get there. Download my website guide for more tips. 

5. Get help with the tough stuff 

Be okay with asking for help. Take advantage of my website boost service to get the tough stuff done to finish your website. You can focus on the look of your site - the fun part - and leave the coding and SEO to me! 

This is a great option if you have a site that looks good but could use some help to function better. Count on me to up the function of your website which will bring you more prospects and new members.  

It’s time to look ahead.

You’ve made it through a year that challenged your business in ways you never imagined. Now it’s time to look forward, to start planning for your Studio of the Future. Make sure your website is working for you. Don’t let your budget get in your way. Follow these five tips and download the guides to help you design a website that takes your studio into 2021 strong. 

Ready to get started? Enter your email below to receive all the guides mentioned in this post! 

Connie Holen

I'm a Digital Strategist + Squarespace Web Designer for yoga, fitness and wellness studios who need a strong brand presence both on-line and off. I specializes in creating clean, modern and easy-to-manage websites that smoothy integrate online scheduling softwares and are optimized for local search engine results.


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